Let’s not talk about Panda Express because, hey, coffee! Students like coffee, right?
The Store Operations Board for campus is talking with Tully’s Coffee to open (potentially) a kiosk in the student union. You know, because that space is just a major dearth of coffee, what with the GBC and the Coffee Spot a bajillion miles away.
OK, so it’s better than Starbucks and organic, but really? Don’t we also have Yali’s in VLSB and Stanley Hall? FSM ring a bell? That hidden place in Dwinelle Hall? And let’s not forget the student favorites that line the edge of south campus.
It’s about time, you know. Thank goodness someone is coming to fill this void in our lives.
Image Source: Emma Lantos, Daily Cal
Tully’s Coffee May Open Branch in Student Union [Daily Cal]
Earlier: Panda Express on Campus: Ugh, Are You Serious?